Thursday, March 31, 2011

square footage estimate

5,300 square feet

AUTHOR:Richard Wichmann
TITLE:Feuerwehrhaus in Neuss
SOURCE:Baumeister 12-13 Ap 2006 supp
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Grefrath, a suburb of Neuss, on the outskirts of a building for the fire department was created, which was awarded the prize for architecture in North Rhine-Westphalia for exemplary buildings 2005th The space program did find a hall for three fire trucks in front of the residence and also areas for the frequent training of firefighters. An essential requirement was to reduce operating costs already in the building's design.
The two areas of use are located in two, in their shape and materiality different buildings. The determining factor for the exterior of the building is the contrast between the monolithic, from the more traditional and site-specific material exposed brick-shaped structure and the industrial, cool radiance of the engine room. The hall has a glass facade profile glass was developed. By shimmering contours and colors of the parked vehicles make the use of outside read. The choice of this facade design was based on two considerations. On the one hand, the fire department has thus even on rainy days of a spacious, naturally lit room for maintenance work and training. Laubbäurme decrease from the south facade of the summer heat, the doors and floor to ceiling louvred windows opened, a slowdown is guaranteed in a few minutes. On the other hand, the passive use of solar energy heating costs during the winter season reduced. In addition, the natural lighting reduces the cost of year-round artificial lighting.
With the transparent walkway closes the two-story building on part of the hall, in which there are changing rooms and showers, lounge and training rooms, kitchen and office. A band of windows illuminates the changing rooms on the ground floor.Suspended gratings allow the windows that remain outside the heating season, open all the time and cross ventilation, the use of wet clothes dry faster. A ventilation system is not required. Simultaneously form the grating the blinds for the changing rooms.
The road into and through the building is directed through the light guide. While the entrance is lit by the glass connecting wing, which replaced the first floor hallway light through a glass ribbon in the roof. Over the airspace of the stairs the sunlight reaches down and points the way to the branch premises. Once at the top to open the interior space and offers a view of the surrounding landscape.ADDED MATERIALAbout the changing rooms on the ground floor of the transparent classroom extends over the entire length of the building.Balanced composition: the massive, opaque structure with residence and adjoining rooms and the engine room as a light steel structure, encased in glass profilesThe training room on the 1st Upstairs with wet bar and Panoramabljck. In the red wall conceals wardrobe, lockers and mobile partition.From the walkway (left), the wooden staircase leads from the two red signal Wandscheiban up.
Plans 1:500
1 vehicle hall
2 Input / Connection tract
3 changing
4 showers
5 corridor
6 Sky
7 parking / storage spaces
8 training room
9 Lounge
10 Kitchen
11 office
Project: Benedict Feist
Location: Lütten Glehn Strasse 41, Neuss

Neuss (PN / Sp). Under the economic stimulus package of new fire station of the North will be realized. Mayor Herbert Napp was now for the groundbreaking ceremony for the new building on the property Osterrath corner Bockholt street in the presence of the department heads for the fire, Ernst-Horst Goldammer, Head of the Department for Construction, Stefan Pfitzer, and many members of the Neuss-fire, especially the Truck Furth The building was like the fire station and Grefrath Uedesheim designed by the architectural firm Wichmann. It consists of two buildings, a machine hall and a two-storey wing for changing rooms, accommodation and training rooms. At both buildings have different requirements regarding equipment, fire safety and indoor climate. These requirements, the buildings are differentiated in their shape and material selection. Thus, the changing area is formed as solid in a conventional design with a rendered facade and large windows. The engine room for four fire engines replaced by a metal façade an industrial look. The contrast between the monolithic plaster construction, from a more traditional and typical local materials, and industrial impact of the vehicle determines the outer hall of the building. A glazed connecting wing is also the "lock" between the engine room and adjacent rooms and allows access to the rear area. The new building will be completed in late October.The building has a floor space of over 610 square meters on a nearly 4,000-square-meter plot of land. The changing area with showers and toilets are designed for up to 55 people, the training rooms for 60 persons. The total cost is inclusive of the establishment cost of 47,000 € to € 1.75 million.

Fire station, Neuss: wichmann architekten

Fire station, Neuss: wichmann architekten

Location: Neuss 

Neuss, Technical Building Management 


In a suburb of Neuss, a building for the fire department was created. The space program did find a hall for three fire trucks in front of the residence and also areas which are frequently held training courses for firefighters. 

Basis of the draft 

The two areas of use are located in two, in their shape and materiality different buildings. 

The engine room has a glass facade profile glass was developed. The contours of shimmering colors and transport of parked vehicles, the use of the building to the outside. The choice of this facade design was based on two considerations: 

1. Even on rainy days, the fire department has a large, naturally lit room for maintenance and training purposes. The problem of summer heat is reduced by deciduous trees and tall in front of the south facade. By opening the doors and floor to ceiling louvred windows, cooling is ensured in a few minutes. 

2. The passive use of solar energy ensures a significant reduction in heating costs in winter. Due to the natural exposure, the cost of artificial lighting can be reduced throughout the year. 

The two-story building containing part of the changing and shower units as well as accommodation and training rooms, kitchen and office. 

Ribbon windows illuminate the changing rooms on the ground floor. Suspended gratings allow the windows that remain outside the heating season, open all the time and cross ventilation to dry the wet turnout gear is guaranteed. A ventilation system is not required. At the same time, the gratings of the blinds for the changing rooms. 

The contrast between the monolithic, determined from a more traditional and typical local building material and formed the industrial, cool radiance of the engine room, the exterior design of the building.

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